Right Way to Do Blog Commenting for SEO with Footprints

If you’re an aspiring blogger or a website owner looking to improve your online visibility, then you’ve probably heard of the term “blog commenting.” In this article, we’ll explore the right way to leverage blog commenting for SEO purposes. By following these simple yet effective techniques, you can enhance your website’s rankings, increase organic traffic, and engage with fellow bloggers and readers in a meaningful way. Let’s dive in!

Finding Relevant Blogs to Comment On using Footprints:

To maximize the impact of your blog commenting efforts, it’s important to find relevant blogs that align with your niche or industry. Here are a few strategies to help you discover suitable blogs for commenting:

Start by conducting searches on Google, Bing, or Yahoo using relevant keywords related to your niche. For example, if you have a fashion blog, search for phrases like “top fashion blogs” or “fashion blogs to follow.” Explore the search results and visit various blogs to assess their content quality and engagement level.

Use footprints to get more out of your efforts.

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How to Use Footprints?

Use a Query with your keyword in the following format, like Quotations and Plus symbols.

"leave a reply" + "your keyword"

When you make the comments on all the sites appear against the above-mentioned query. Now change the query “leave a reply” with “leave a comment” and replace the next one by one.

Be Relevant and Add Value:

When leaving a comment on a blog post, it’s crucial to stay relevant to the topic at hand. Don’t simply post generic statements like “Nice post” or “Great job.” Instead, take the time to read the article thoroughly and provide thoughtful insights or ask relevant questions. By doing so, you contribute to the conversation and show the blog owner and other readers that you’re genuinely interested in the subject matter.

Use Your Real Name and Email:

Using your real name and a valid email address when leaving comments helps establish your credibility. It allows the blog owner and other readers to see that you’re a real person with genuine intentions. Additionally, it enables the blog owner to respond to your comment directly or even reach out to you in the future for further collaboration opportunities.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

In the past, some people resorted to spamming comments with keywords in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. However, search engines have become smarter and can easily recognize these tactics. Instead of focusing on keyword stuffing, aim to write natural and relevant comments that contribute to the discussion. This will not only enhance your credibility but also protect your website from potential penalties.

Engage with the Community:

Blog commenting is an excellent opportunity to engage with the blogging community and build relationships. Take the time to respond to other comments, answer questions, and share your thoughts. By actively participating in the conversation, you establish yourself as a valuable community member and increase your chances of getting noticed by both the blog owner and other readers.

Add a Link, if Appropriate:

While leaving a link in your comment can potentially generate traffic to your website, it’s essential to do it judiciously. Only include a link if it adds value to the discussion and is relevant to the blog post. Avoid overpromoting yourself or your website, as this can come across as spammy and harm your reputation. Remember, the primary goal of blog commenting is to engage and contribute, not to advertise.

Monitor Your Comments:

After leaving a comment, it’s good practice to monitor the blog post for replies or further discussion. By being responsive and engaging, you foster a sense of community and increase the likelihood of building connections with other bloggers. Additionally, monitoring your comments allows you to address any potential concerns or questions promptly.


When done correctly, blog commenting can be an effective strategy for enhancing your SEO efforts. By following the right approach—being relevant, adding value, using your real name, engaging with the community, and adding links wisely—you can boost your website’s visibility, increase organic traffic, and foster meaningful connections within the blogging community. Remember, SEO is a long-term endeavor, so be patient and consistent with your efforts. Happy commenting!

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